Betlion Daily Jackpot Predictions,28/6/2021


Everyday there is Ksh200,000 to be won from Betlion.We also make sure that our subscribers benefit from these tips. We offer 5 versions of the analyzed jackpot to each of our subscribers daily. To register and get the tips, pay Ksh 1,800 per month, Ksh910 for two weeks or Ksh450 for one week. Remember this is for VIP tips which also provides Betika and Sportpesa Jackpots.

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  • Go to MPESA
  • Select Lipa Na MPESA
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Below are free predictions for today’s jackpot:

  1. Deportivo Riestra vs Estudiantes Cuarto—1
  2. Brown Adrogue vs Instituto—1
  3. Sportivo Barracas vs Defensoresde—1X
  4. Gualaceo Sporting Club vs Cumbaya—2
  5. Atletico Goianiense vs Bragantion—2
  6. Charlote Eagles vs Dalton Red Wolves—1
  7. CD El Nacional vs America De Quito—1
  8. England vs Germany—1or2