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Betlion Daily Jackpot bonuses start from 7 correct games. All those getting 7 and 8 correct games earn money. The full amount for the jackpot is Ksh 200,000In case 10 people get 8/8 correct games, they share Ksh 200,000 equally, meaning that each one of them will take home Ksh 20,000.
If none of the bettors gets 7 or 8 correct games, the one with highest correct games will win the full amount.
The stake for the daily jackpot is Ksh 20 only and one can bet as many as 10 times.
We offer daily predictions for Betlion Jackpot where each member receives 5 versions of the analyzed jackpot. To subscribe and receive the tips, pay Ksh 1,700 per month or Ksh 850 for two weeks as follows:
The predictions are sent daily via SMS.