Betika has two weekly jackpots, Midweek jackpot and Betika Mabingwa jackpot. The two jackpots have bonuses. Betika Mabingwa jackpot has bonuses from 12 correct predictions while the midweek jackpot has bonuses from 11 correct predictions.
Both jackpot bonuses are earned based on the amount collected, number of winners and the stake amount.
Betika midweek jackpot bonuses
The total amount of money to win from Betika midweek jackpot is Ksh15 million but there are consolation bonuses for winners of 11-14 correct predictions. The estimated bonuses are:
13/15—Ksh(50,000-1 MILLION)bonus
14/15—Ksh(500,000-5 MILLION)bonus
15/15—Ksh(15 MILLION)bonus
Betika Mabingwa jackpot bonuses
The 17 games jackpot bonuses start from 12 correct predictions.If a player correctly predict 17/17 games, he takes home Ksh100 million.
The bonuses for Betika Mabingwa jackpot are:
12/17 correct games—Ksh1,000 to Ksh 20,000
13/17 correct predictions—Ksh 50,000 to Ksh300,000
14/17 correct predictions—Ksh 100,000 to Ksh 2 million
15/17 correct games—Ksh 500,000 to Ksh 5 million
16/17 correct predictions—Ksh 1 million to Ksh10 million
17/17 correct predictions—Ksh 100 million
If the winners are more than one, they share the cash prize equally.